Hair Loss Cure

Hair Loss Cure See our blog Female Hair Loss Treatment Female Hair Loss Treatment: Hats are For Fashion Not to Cover-Up Your Bald Spots!Nothing can be more devastating for a women than to realize that her hair is coming out far more extensively and rapidly than is normal. (Normal is 100-150 strands a day). Each hair grows for a period of 2-6 years, goes through a short dormant period and then falls out as the follicle pushes through a new hair. When new hairs do not replace the old or when hair is coming out in clumps or sections, there is definite cause for concern.Female hair loss comes from a variety of causes some temporary, some permanent. Temporary causes include pregnancy, anxiety and stress, too many strong treatments (coloring, bleaching), too much manipulation, illness, disease, and infections of the scalp. Fortunately, regrowth occurs naturally when as these causes dissipate. Permanent hair loss occurs as a result of heredity and hormonal changes and unfortunately is not reversed naturally. Women usually see hair loss begin at areas of parts, where parts become wider. Female pattern baldness occurs primarily in the frontal areas; then, there is general overall hair loss, resulting in a continual thinning of the entire head with the scalp becoming more and more visible.Treatments for female hair loss include a number of things:1.Diet plays some role in hair loss, so it is important to commit to a healthy well-balanced diet at

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